Sunday, January 27, 2008

AJ finally likes his bathtime, and naked time. Typical boy, and still healthy as ever as you can see.

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. AJ was completely spoiled, thanks to Gammie, Grandma and Grampy Strate, Grandpa and Meme and all his aunties, uncles and cousins. He gave us the best present by starting to smile and he's talking up a storm...if you want to know who to vote for in the coming election, AJ will tell you. He's very politically informed.

Like father, like son...I'm sure CPS will be knocking down our door for this one

It's a bit ironic that this blog page is called A Strate Life, especially since my husband is now in love with another man....our 2 1/2 month old son AJ (Alexander James on his birth certificate, and to be used when he needs to go to time out). After much "encouragement" by Susan Nielsen, we have finally posted a page. I fear that this might become the most outdated blog page on the internet, but I will do my best to keep updating the life and times of the Strate Family...for all you interested people, on the edge of your seats, waiting to hear what's new in our exciting lives!!!