Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dad watching TV...AJ watching that dang camera that's always in his face.

More Jumperoo time...check out the glistening ear hairs! He gets those from dad!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We got a ridiculous amount of snow this winter, after being cooped up long enough, we decided to take little man out in the snow...he looks like Ralphie from A Christmas Story, but I say, "Dress 'em up while you can" (SO darn cute). And, just to let those of you who don't already know, I AM a brunette now.

This may be possibly the greatest invention ever in this stage of AJ's life....the JUMPEROO! Hey, we'll try anything to trim down those thunder-thighs! He will actually reach for his toys and talk to them now. Here, he just looks pretty content to hang out, which is also great so mom can do things around the house!