Monday, May 11, 2009

Our little man is 18 months old now...where did the time go. He's getting so big, and finally getting some hair...albeit a mullet!!! These are a few updated pics and a sampling of my brother-in-law's photographic skills!
A few fly-away hairs, we're still looking for a good hair product to maintain AJ's locks

This is AJ passed out after a fun evening at the park with uncle Eric. He's sportin' his new green Crocs...he will actually keep those shoes on!!

GREAT shot of an exhausted, drooling child...

Just playing a little "chubby" game...Mommy has surpassed the "chubby" phase however!!

This is one of my favorites

This is a little Mother's Day pic...8 more weeks until baby #2 arrives!! AJ barely fits on my lap anymore, but he always finds room to snuggle up with mommy's tummy. He'll point adn say "baby", but I don't think that he has ANY clue how his life is about to change.

He looks like a perfect angel!!

Uncle Eric is getting really good...Adam and I hardly ever take pictures anymore.

It puts the lotion on its skin...that's actually baby powder.

This gives Adam's mom a heart attack EVERYTIME! But, AJ loves it.

He's turning into such a little boy...still got his baby fat though!!!

Whatchoo lookin' at??

A chugging contest between AJ and daddy...all those wonderful things that dad's teach their sons!! Ha-Ha.


Keith and Meghan said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sue N. said...

Thanks for the AJ update. He is so cute and looking so old. Love, Sue