Saturday, August 1, 2009

Life with 2 Boys

Summer babies are the the has been a bit on the warm side (I think mom's hormones are shifting or something, because I'm having a hard time tolerating it) but the boys love it. AJ is taking to Aiden as best as expected, he tries to share his toys; which consists of AJ stacking every toy in his toy bin ON TOP of baby brother. THIS is true, second children are typically laid back and tolerate so much does too. I've gotten used to crying children, that's for sure! But typically our house is full of laughs and coos so I won't complain.
Aiden's not a huge fan of the camera yet...

AJ LOVES his slide, but he is growing out of Little Tykes toys VERY fast.

Aiden wanted a turn too!

We've been teaching AJ how to flash the "westside" sign to his peeps...JOKING, this is him doing the hand gestures to "itsy-bitsy spider".

I forget the magic of swaddling....both our boys loved being wrapped up like Qdoba!!!

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